Call for Papers

The MSIG sees itself as a platform for sharing ideas, concepts, and tools about teaching and learning mathematics in engineering within the community. With this seminar, we create a space to connect with educators across. Through the Call for Papers, we invite you to share your teaching practices and engage in in-depth exchanges.

We would like to invite you to submit a conference paper and to prepare a presentation thereof. The submissions are blind reviewed and published in proceedings publication after the seminar. At least one of the authors is required to participate the seminar.

The main topics of the seminar will be the following ones: 

• AI in Mathematics learning and teaching
• Project Based Learning as a tool to assess competences
• Study techniques and Metacognition for 1st year students
• The role of Mathematical theory in Engineering Education
• How to handle, and meet the needs of, diverse groups?

Other contributions related to Mathematical learning and teaching of engineers are also welcome.


The abstract submission is open until December 31. 2024
All submissions will undergo a review process.
The abstracts will be available in the program on the seminar.

For your abstract submission, please view the following link:

Abstract submission

Conference Paper

If your abstract is accepted, we invite you to submit a conference paper of 4-6 pages (incl. references). Please submit your paper until May 1. 2025

Paper submission

Presentation forms at the conference

The contribution can be presented in the following formats:


15min talk followed by 5 min discussion.

Lightning talk

Short 7 min talk, 3 Lightning talks take place in a one-hour time slot.  The 3 Lightning talk presentations are given one after the other. Subsequently, each presenter is provided with a table for further discussions and exchanges. The audience can participate in the discussions according to their own interests.

Poster presentation

Preferred poster size is A0 portrait