How to get to Wolfenbüttel?
Travelling to Wolfenbüttel by train
All long-distance trains from all over Germany arrive at Braunschweig main station. At Braunschweig, you can change to the RB45 or erx RB42 train to get to Wolfenbüttel. Alternatively, you can take bus 420 from the bus station in front of Braunschweig’s train station to Wolfenbüttel.

Flying to Hannover or Berlin and travel to Wolfenbüttel
The Hannover Langenhagen Airport (HAJ) is the closest airport to Wolfenbüttel. It has regular flights from all major European airports. From the airport, you can take the S-Bahn (S5) train directly to Hannover’s main train station. From there, you can take the WFB RE70 train or various IC trains to Braunschweig’s main station. The total travel time from Hannover Airport to Wolfenbüttel is about 1.5 to 2 hours.
From the airport Berlin-Brandenburg you can take the S-Bahn or the train directly to Berlin main station. From there, you can take many ICE trains to Braunschweig (sometimes via Wolfsburg). The total travel time from Berlin-Brandenburg airport to Wolfenbüttel is about 3 hours.

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