Prof. Dr. Thomas Geisen
Belonging in the context of migration
In a “society of individuals” (Elias 1987), questions of belonging and affiliation are of special significance. After all, “the belonging of a person to a certain social survival unit” (Elias 1987, p. 245) bears a “specific stamp”, a …. read more

Prof. Dr. Erika Schulze
School as a safe place. On the role of school social work in the context of refugee migration
School attendance and with this the access to education by refugee children and youths is a right enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In practice, however, there… read more

Prof. Dr. Christine Baur
School integration of refugees in a comparison between European countries
The lecture presents the results of the study “Integration of newly arrived and refugee children and young people into the school systems of the European host countries France, Germany and Denmark”. Within the… read more

Dr. Adina Küchler-Hendricks
Multilingualism in European classrooms
The lecture “Multilingualism in European Classrooms” presents the findings of the study “Integration of newly arrived and refugee children and young people into the school systems of the European host… read more