We are convinced that escapegames are a suitable means of making good teaching even better. This conviction is also shared by researchers at other universities. In order to exchange ideas, we are planning a conference to which we want to invite everyone who works on or is interested in escapegames!
Our conference on escape games will take place online on 06/06/2023. There will be workshops on puzzles, evaluation, storytelling and escape room „container solutions“. The conference and workshops will focus on practical how-to approaches. So it’s less about a theoretical framing of escape games than insights into how they can be designed and conceived. Since September, we have been able to gather so much experience in this regard. The goal of the conference is to share such experiences and systematize them so that others can benefit from them.

We will be working in small groups. In block 1 you can chose a workshop about evaluation methods in which we want to talk about how to measure the success of escape games. Alternatively, you can choose the workshop on container solutions. In this one, we will focus on identifying what it takes to create escape games and what the requirements are for a written guide.
In block 2 we dive deep into the creation process. The attendees choosing the puzzle workshop will analyze puzzles and design new ones together. In the workshop on storytelling we will talk about the importance of a story for games, typical story elements of escape games and the appropriate setting for your curricula.
If you are curious, register until 23.05.2023. The conference will take place online and in German.